Be generous with Trust

Vishal S Rao
2 min readNov 25, 2019

This has come into my experience. If you trust someone completely, they will never deceive you. It is hard for them to deceive you. But if you doubt someone, even a bit, then they will deceive you for sure. It is natural that they will eventually deceive you, because you have not placed your trust in their hands. You have not placed that responsibility in their hands, so why will they even uphold it? It is not theirs.

Trust is hard to earn, but that is because it is even harder to give. We are very stingy in placing our trust outside, in someone else. We keep it all to ourselves. When you are stingy with your trust, why should anyone honour your stinginess? But if you can be generous with your trust, then that generousness is always upheld. It turns into responsibility. And people handle responsibility with real care, the responsibility that comes with trust is very important for many people. It is not a responsibility that has been thrust upon them, but rather placed gently in their hands. They will take care of it.

If you are not generous and rather treat your trust with suspicion rather than as an important responsibility, then you are disrespecting that trust itself. What can you expect then? Other than deceit. Trust is not about the other person earning it, but rather how much of yourself you are willing to give. And I’ve found that the more you give, the more you receive.

The more trust you can give out, the more you open yourself to the world, to life. More experiences will anyway happen, good or bad, but at least you will not be avoiding life. Holding back on trust, is holding back a bit of who you are, not sharing a bit of you to the world. Ironically, that is what everyone wants to do: share a bit of themselves with the world. To leave a bit of themselves in this world. Still, they hold back. Strange!

Trust is about responsibility, how much of your trust you put out, that much more responsibility you can inspire in the other. The more you hold back, then you inspire nothing. Trust is more about you, not the other person upholding it. It is also a tremendous growth tool. To grow internally, trust is good exercise. If it is upheld, you will know you have done it right. If you are deceived, then maybe you have to make some changes internally.

So go on, be generous with your trust. It’ll either way help you, externally or internally.



Vishal S Rao

Part time writer, NOT a philosopher, full time life enthusiast.