Is Life becoming the Boss of You?

Vishal S Rao
4 min readDec 6, 2019

It usually starts like this, that you are the boss of your life. You are the centre of the world, the creme-de-la-crème of human evolution. Things are going your way, people are listening to what you say, you are here to conquer the world, etc. etc. The time period that this lasts for, depends on person to person and on situations as well. But it definitely comes to an end at one point or the other. Life will give a swift kick in the butt, and bring you down for a full-sweep reality check.

This is when the tables turn. Slowly, but surely, life will butt-head you often enough to remind you who is boss. And then you start shrinking under the wilt of this ever-demanding boss who has no mercy. A relentless boss who shows you who is king. Then you just submit to this Boss, and then roll on to the schedule set by this Boss. If you are sensible, humility is a good lesson to learn now. If not, anyway some more steam-rolling will happen before humility makes an entrance. Harder the resistance, stronger the lesson.

Familiar story?

But the funny thing is, neither you are the boss of Life nor is Life your boss. Life is a process. It is neither trying to undermine you nor is it challenging you to undermine it. Life is just a process. A relentless process. Your body is a process. If you stop eating, or pooping, just see, the whole process stops. You mind is a process; it keeps evolving with each new lesson (hopefully). Your emotions are a process; you learn to emote in new ways and become more mature in your expression (again, the key word is hopefully, but it happens to most).

Like this, the whole world around you is also a process. You have to keep it up. Your relationships are a process. Relationships cannot be stagnant. As people evolve, the relationship will also evolve. Now, if one of the people in the relationship does not evolve and adapt to this process, then that person will feel that too many things have changed with the other person and in the relationship. Why most people face stress in their relationships is that they are heavily resistant to this process of growth. Anyway things will change and evolve. If you keep up with it and are intelligent enough to handle it, it is good, you will survive and even thrive. But if you get stuck and do not make even a tiny effort to go ahead with the new process, then you’ll feel very stuck. Very frustrated.

The same can apply to your career as well. It is a continuous process. You cannot just do one thing in the beginning and hope things will remain same. People around you will change and move, the company around you will change and move. It will always be a continuous process. You have to keep apace. It can never reach perfection. If it has reached perfection, that means it has stopped and if it has stopped, that means it is dead.

The very nature of life is also that it is a process. It is neither your boss nor can you boss it. You have to keep up with it, that is all that life requires of you. To experience it, as it moves. So that one day, you will come to such a place that you have understood it completely. Then you need not move anymore. The process is complete. But while you are part of the process, you better keep at it, otherwise it will crush you with its relentlessness, one day or the other.

If we learn to be a part of the life process, willingly, then life can become a breeze. If we are unwilling, stuck to how we want things to be, then the process will bulldoze you and move on. It requires you to adapt, to learn, to evolve and eventually move ahead. The process of life is designed to take you ahead in Evolution. But if you are not a willing participant, it can be a very painful process, because anyway life will go ahead with what it has to do. However, if you can learn the lessons, and move ahead, even a little bit, then you will see tremendously, life becomes a little easy. If you are of today and now, of the present, then it is easy. If you are stuck in your mind, in your past and not willing to learn, not willing to bend, then it is a big suffering. Every small thing can become a big effort. Just because you hate this life process.

A process does not differentiate between the good and bad, right and wrong, past and future. It is just as it is, a process. No boss, no employee in life. If you understand life and its inner workings, then you play along. As equals. As life itself,

a full life.



Vishal S Rao

Part time writer, NOT a philosopher, full time life enthusiast.